Have you ever been asked to make a very important and urgent announcement and wondered where to start. Well I know that I have been in that position myself in both business and in private life as well and a lot of thought is required. The problem I found was that I knew what I was to announce would have far reaching implications for a lot of people but if I tried to tell them everything in one go it would be too much to take in and the main message would become obscured. On the other hand if I didn’t say enough then people might disregard my words as being uninteresting or irrelevant.
So it was a case of trying to pick out the really essential points to get across as briefly as possible and yet in an interesting and attention grabbing fashion.
Today’s bible reading from Matthew’s gospel is a similar example. A huge change was on the way and Jesus himself was the man to bring it about but in a completely unexpected way that would be quite foreign to most of his audience. He needed to get immediate attention and so he had to speak in a fashion that people of that time could relate to. So firstly he needed to stress that the same creator God that the Jews had recognised all their lives would be central to his message. “The Kingdom of heaven is arriving” he proclaimed.
The Jews of that era knew that he was referring to the Kingdom of God (Kingdom of heaven was just a way of saying Kingdom of God without actually saying the word God). In other words this was a huge announcement of something much bigger than man himself could bring about.
Jesus was speaking and acting just like a prophet such as John the Baptist had been doing before he was locked up in prison. So as well as introducing the all-powerful creator God as a key part of the action he put the message across in a way to which the Jews were accustomed. If he had gone any further and talked about the upheaval to come in their lives and that the Jews would no longer have God’s favour all to themselves; even more so that in the end Jesus himself would die an ignominious death then they surely would have become very confused indeed.
I guess you might be thinking that this passage has nothing to do with us in this day and age and that it is purely a piece of history. But actually God hasn’t changed at all since then and the Kingdom of heaven (or The Kingdom of God) is still on the way to becoming overwhelmingly established here on earth.
There is still a story to tell – an announcement to be made time and time again both in words and in action and it’s down to us. Also if we are to be part of the fellowship of disciples who continue to usher in this new Kingdom then we still need to repent – not to feel sorry for ourselves or to do penance but to change direction in our lives and face firmly and squarely back to God. To start living our lives in a Christlike fashion based upon love and peace. Prophecy through words and action indeed!